For best results:

Find a quite place and at least 5 to 15 minutes of time for reflection.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Forget Perfection

Let's be honest.  There's not a business anywhere that is without problems.  Business is complicated and imperfect.  Every business everywhere is staffed with imperfect human beings and exists by providing a product or service to other imperfect human beings.  ~ Bob Parsons ~

Most of our bad behaviors and choices comes from attempting to attain perfection.  The perfect product, the perfect customer, the perfect service, the perfect employee.  Let it go.  Mindful leaders know that it is more important to focus on the reasons we do what we do.  Why did you make this career choice?  Why did you go into this industry?  What value do you bring to the world? To society?  To your community? What is your purpose?  If you lead with a good intent, you will automatically do your best.  When you do your best, you let go of negative feelings and poor decisions.  When you try your best, that is in of itself perfection.

1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:

I focus on always trying my best.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Embrace Your Weaknesses

When there is no enemy within, the enemies outside cannot hurt you. ~ African Proverb ~

Loving yourself is this best defense.  When people are hateful they will target your weaknesses.  Protect your weaknesses by accepting them as part of you.  As a very necessary part of you.  Begin by taking away the hurt and pain of your weakness, then no one can attack them.  No one can attack you.  When you practice mindfulness then you understand that your weak parts give you the reason to explore and grow.  You also, begin to understand that others weaknesses are important and attacking them only hurts their growth.  You must forgive their weaknesses.  The journey in life is to share and cultivate your strengths together and to make your weaknesses irrelevant.  When you embrace weaknesses they become less controlling and you become more powerful.

1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:

I embrace my weaknesses and do the same for others.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Act Respectful

“I speak to everyone in the same way, whether he is the garbage man or the president of the university.” ~ Albert Einstein ~

The concept of respect can be difficult.   What is respect?  It seems to be different for everyone.  What are the behaviors? Take the time to really think about it and make a list.  Do you live up to those standards that you just listed or is this just what you expect of others?  You want respect but do you give it equally?  Rare is the person or organization that doesn't acknowledge respect as a value in some form or another.  Yet, it still seems to be elusive. If everyone decided to begin to act respectful on an everyday basis to all people then that would be a simple way for everyone to receive respect. 

You may think that some people don't deserve your respect.  Perhaps, but it doesn't mean they can't be treated with respect.  When you refuse to treat others respectfully you, in turn, become just like them and don't deserve respectful treatment yourself.  Mindful leaders rise above poor behavior and do the right thing.

1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:

I act respectful to everyone. 

Monday, June 17, 2013

Lose Worry; Be Inspirational

If you keep on saying things are going to be bad, you have a good chance of becoming a prophet. ~Isaac Bashevis Singer ~

Worry is something that will wear others down.  You will begin to make them take on this unnecessary emotion and they will become unmotivated to try to attain goals.  Emotions will have a huge impact on whether you achieve and if people don't think you will succeed then they won't even bother trying. When you are a leader, it is up to you to allay fears.  You are to be the calm person of reason.  You should be the visionary hopeful.  Not in a naive way, but instead, become more of someone who promotes things in a positive and possible way.  Practicing mindfulness will help you visualize achievement! People will want to follow you if they think you can attain success.  It is up to you to have the vision and it’s up to you to inspire others to drive for the end results.  It is then much easier to triumph.

1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:

“I inspire others to believe in success.” 


Friday, June 14, 2013

Don't Label

"It is ridiculous for any man to criticize the works of another if he has not distinguished himself by his own performances." ~ Joseph Addison ~

When you judge others, it says more about you than it does the person you are judging.  Do you rate people with an idealized scale of perfection that is not attainable?  When was the last time you called someone an idiot for a "dumb move?"  It is easier to give a global label to someone than it is to step back and weigh in on the error/mistake/faux pas.  You are not an instrument of flawlessness and you are fallible just like everyone else in the world.  You are also not necessarily stupid, incompetent or a jerk. When you practice mindfulness, you can begin to see mistakes as something you have or could have done yourself.  You become more humble and thus, people are more apt to open up to you, admit thier faults and trust you as a leader - if they see you as a real person.  This will clear the path to improvement - for both of you. 

1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:

I will be more humble and accepting.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Courage to Lead

Leaders are visionaries with a poorly developed sense of fear and
no concept of the odds against them. ~Robert Jarvik

If you are only looking at the mud in which your foot is stuck, then you will not see the stick that will help you get out.  If you foucus on fear and obstacles, then that is your whole world.  You will be unable to see your success.  Turn your mind to courage and abilities.
  1. Close your eyes
  2. Breathe
  3. Empty your mind
  4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and wisk them away
  5. Focus on your breathing
  6. Think about the affirmation:
"I will be courageous and think beyond the obstacles."

Rethink Your Burdens

“It's not the load that breaks you down, it's the way you carry it.” ~ Lou Holtz ~

Have you ever seen those women who carry buckets of water on their heads? Despite the weight they seem to do it with ease. How?  First, they accept that it is a burden they must carry in order to survive.  Why the head?  There are many theories but let's assume it's because that is the best way for them.  Next, is training.  No one picks up a bucket of water and walks for miles without some practice.   Consider the life burdens that you carry with you every day.   Would you like your burdens to be easier? Try using your head.  They are a part of your life, so you are going to have to figure out a way to carry them in peace.  Much like starting to carry water on the head, peace with your burdens will not happen overnight.

Begin with rethinking your burdens.  Practice mindfulness to help in the process.  How necessary is this burden?  Is there a better way to deal with it?  Relative to yourself and others, is this burden as heavy as you think it is?  Can you drop it?  If you can't remove it, right now, how can you make it easier?  Perhaps it not even a burden but a blessing.   Mindful leaders take the time to discard the useless burdens and embrace the real ones as part of life's journey.

1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:

I will remove unreal burdens and carry the important ones with ease.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Learn to Like People

“Nobody will listen to you unless they sense that you like them.” ~ Donald Miller, Blue Like Jazz ~

Leading is a people job.  If you want people to listen to you, learn to like people.  True, you won't like everyone in this world but try to remember that everyone has value.  Those that you lead - especially.  They know if you don't like them and there is not a chance that they will ever buy in to you, much less listen to you, unless you can get to a place in which you like them.  Study them.  List out the reasons you don't like them and figure out how those things can actually be a strength to your team, division, or organization.  Those things that annoy you just might actually be the difference a postive way.  True leaders see the beauty even in the flawed.

1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:

I will find value in all people.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Money is Not Holding You Back

"I don't dream at night, I dream all day; I dream for a living." ~ Steven Spielberg ~

Dreaming is the easy part.  It's the belief that you can't make your dreams happen that is the hard obstacle to overcome.  You may claim that you don't dream and that you stay grounded in reality.  But everyone plays the game, "What would you do if you won the mega lotto?!"  Try it now.  If you aren't already living the life you think you want to live - then what is holding you back?  Money?  Really? Most likely it's your belief systems.  Let go of external attribution and review your own self-defeating thoughts.  Your own mind holds you back. Start with the belief that you can achieve.  Dream and then decide that there are no other options but to attain.

1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:

I believe that I can achieve my dreams.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Take a Chance

Thrivers constantly re-invent themselves, they are mentally agile and willing to risk. ~ David McNally ~

You are just going to have to put yourself out there.  Turtles don't get anywhere until they stick their heads and legs out of their shell.  Get moving, get to it, get out there!  You will not truly grow until you have taken a chance on yourself and your ideas.  Never fear that an idea doesn't work, as you can always find another one.  All great leaders have taken a risk on more than one occasion! They adjust and try again. It starts with being mindful and having confidence in you own abilities.  If you don't get out there and try, then the world will never benefit from your gifts.  Be willing to risk.

1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:

I will take chance in order to thrive.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Be A Student

“When you listen, it's amazing what you can learn. When you act on what you've learned, it's amazing what you can change." ~ Audrey McLaughlin ~

No matter your education and no matter your experience, you should always be open to learning.  As much as you know, you can always know more - because, quite simply, you don't know everything.  And that's OK.  More than OK. It's awesome.  How do you learn? By listening to everyone you meet. Being humble and aware that you can learn at anytime from anyone - will help you be good to yourself and to others.  Imagine this world if everyone took the student view point.  A great leader is only adviser when they are also learners.  Be a student so that you can create, improve and help achieve great things.

1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:

I listen so that I can be a student.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

"2nd on the Scene" Can Still Bring Success

The future is something which everyone reaches at the rate of sixty minutes an hour, whatever he does, whoever he is. ~C.S. Lewis ~ 

Time will not stand still while you watch others pursuing your dream.  You do not have to be first to be relevant or important.  Sometimes the first person on the scene is the first person who leaves.  You have gifts to give and as long as you move forward, it doesn't matter that someone else did it first.  What is important is that you move forward with your purpose.  You are unique and will bring a new perspective or new innovation to that which you pursue.  Great leaders look for solutions that are already out there and need cultivating.  There are no single ideas, yet at the same time, there are twists to all great inventions.  What is your unique perspective?  Now move forward with passion and change the world.

1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:

I will pursue my unique dream.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Give the Gift of Listening

The most precious gift we can offer anyone is our attention.  ~Thich Nhat Hanh ~

Listen to encourage others.  One of the most common reasons people leave organizations is because they feel they don't matter and their opinions aren't heard - they just don't feel as if leaders listen to what they have to say.  Being a good listener is the most important trait of a great leader and listening it one of the most important skills as a leader.  Putting it into practice is essential and difficult. 

When you are under stress, you feel the need to control.  When you are listening you are not in the drivers seat, rather the person talking is controlling the conversation.  It can prove difficult to relinquish that control.    A mindful leader turns listening into a de-stresser by opening the mind to possibilities.  The possibility that the person talking could make your life easier with their solutions.  Don't give a reason for talented people to quit you or your organization.  Be a better listener.

1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:

I will offer the gift of consideration and better listening.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Behave Like a Leader

“Do you want to know who you are? Don't ask. Act! Action will delineate and define you." ~ Thomas Jefferson ~

You may say all the right things but it's your actions that determine what people really think of you.    If the words you say and the actions you take don't match, action will when out every time.  People see actions as more honest than words and as a better representation of their values and beliefs.  It takes more effort to do the right thing than to say the right thing.  Words will ring hollow and untrue unless there is something to back up what you say. 

Think about the behaviors of great leaders that have the same values as yourself - not their characteristics, but what actions do they take?  Confirm that their actions and words match, plus support the values they say they possess.  Once you find one or two, study them.  Emulate them. If you want to be known as a great leader then behave like a great leader. 

1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:

I will behave like a great leader.