Be humble for you are made of earth, Be noble for you are made of stars. ~ Serbian proverb ~
There is a duality that exists in leadership. You must, at the same time, be a charismatic-confident-visionary and a humble-inclusive-servant. Leaders must be touchable but also special. Do you accept both roles? Can you see how the best leadership must find a way to practice assertiveness and humility? People only follow those who are sure of themselves. They will follow you if you feel you can lead the way. At the same time, arrogance will not get you the respect you need to lead - think of it more as a special ability that is not about you but about the purpose or mission. Remember, this ability is a gift and you must be gracious. True, it is a fine line, but there are no options to only be one or the other. Lead with your head held high and your arms held out.
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
I will be humble and confident in my abilities.
Scientific research supports the need for meditation to improve leadership abilities. Utilize this blog to help guide you in meditation for better self-awareness, stress relief, innovation and productivity. Be vocal and transparent in your practice and encourage those that you lead to follow your example. Do this - and you will transform your organization.
For best results:
Find a quite place and at least 5 to 15 minutes of time for reflection.
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Monday, April 29, 2013
Fear Can Make You Stronger
Toughness is in the soul and spirit, not in muscles. ~ Alex Karras ~
When was the last time you exercised your courage? Each fearful moment in life gives you the opportunity to strengthen your courage. In these moments you have two choices, retreat or advance. Retreating can give you the chance to review and decide if there is another way, a less risky way. This can be a good thing but it will not make you stronger. Advancing, however, builds your courage. Every time you practice courage it gets stronger.
It might not feel like it because when you put yourself out there you might get hurt. But those injuries do not have to mean that you can't courageous again. They don't have to be fatal, it depends on how important it is to continue moving forward. As a leader, you set an strong example if you venture on despite the wounds, despite the fear...despite the "what ifs" - sometimes that is just what you have to do - to become stronger.
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
I will strengthen my spirit by being courageous.
When was the last time you exercised your courage? Each fearful moment in life gives you the opportunity to strengthen your courage. In these moments you have two choices, retreat or advance. Retreating can give you the chance to review and decide if there is another way, a less risky way. This can be a good thing but it will not make you stronger. Advancing, however, builds your courage. Every time you practice courage it gets stronger.
It might not feel like it because when you put yourself out there you might get hurt. But those injuries do not have to mean that you can't courageous again. They don't have to be fatal, it depends on how important it is to continue moving forward. As a leader, you set an strong example if you venture on despite the wounds, despite the fear...despite the "what ifs" - sometimes that is just what you have to do - to become stronger.
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
I will strengthen my spirit by being courageous.
Alex Karras,
mindful leadership,
Friday, April 26, 2013
Manipulate Your Own Mind
The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven. ~ John Milton ~
You can be your worst enemy when it comes to your mind! Try, instead, to be an ally to yourself. Take the time to manipulate your own head. Decide now if you want to enjoy being a leader or if it is a burden. It's all up to you and how you want to think about it. If you are not happy with your chosen path, take a moment to reflect. If you have decided that it will be awful, then you will find every reason to make yourself right. However, if you don't want to live in negativity, can you simply make it better by thinking it? Perhaps - but only if you believe you can and only if you want to do it. As a leader, it's up to you to set the tone for others. They are watching you for cues. What you do they do, so set a great example. You have the ability.
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
"I will decide right now to find enjoyment in my journey as a leader."
You can be your worst enemy when it comes to your mind! Try, instead, to be an ally to yourself. Take the time to manipulate your own head. Decide now if you want to enjoy being a leader or if it is a burden. It's all up to you and how you want to think about it. If you are not happy with your chosen path, take a moment to reflect. If you have decided that it will be awful, then you will find every reason to make yourself right. However, if you don't want to live in negativity, can you simply make it better by thinking it? Perhaps - but only if you believe you can and only if you want to do it. As a leader, it's up to you to set the tone for others. They are watching you for cues. What you do they do, so set a great example. You have the ability.
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
"I will decide right now to find enjoyment in my journey as a leader."
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Choose Inspiration Over Manipulation
"Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you
want done because he wants to do it.” ~ Dwight D. Eisenhower ~
Motivating other people is part manipulation and part inspiration. Which one would you rather practice? Inspiration? No doubt. However, have you assessed your behavior lately? How much of your time is spent as a motivator and how much is spent as an inspirer? Be brutally honest. No one is in your head right now. If you answer manipulator more than 20% of your time, you will need to revisit your values. Don’t make excuses about why you practice manipulation over inspiration. The first reaction might be to justify your behavior. Stop. The second reaction could be guilt or regret. Stop. If you are a victim, you are not a leader.
To begin to flip manipulation into inspiration review your values. Are your behaviors in alignment with your principles? Next, what is your agenda? Is it about you or them? Do you feel confident or fearful? How well do you know the people you lead? Have you taken the time to know what matters to them?
As a leader, you must operate within your values system. If you are fearful, act courageous. Get to know others sincerely and have faith in them. Lead from the heart and you will be an inspiration.
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
“I choose to lead with inspiration.”
Motivating other people is part manipulation and part inspiration. Which one would you rather practice? Inspiration? No doubt. However, have you assessed your behavior lately? How much of your time is spent as a motivator and how much is spent as an inspirer? Be brutally honest. No one is in your head right now. If you answer manipulator more than 20% of your time, you will need to revisit your values. Don’t make excuses about why you practice manipulation over inspiration. The first reaction might be to justify your behavior. Stop. The second reaction could be guilt or regret. Stop. If you are a victim, you are not a leader.
To begin to flip manipulation into inspiration review your values. Are your behaviors in alignment with your principles? Next, what is your agenda? Is it about you or them? Do you feel confident or fearful? How well do you know the people you lead? Have you taken the time to know what matters to them?
As a leader, you must operate within your values system. If you are fearful, act courageous. Get to know others sincerely and have faith in them. Lead from the heart and you will be an inspiration.
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
“I choose to lead with inspiration.”
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Never Tatoo Your Judgements on Others
We awaken in others the same attitude of mind we hold toward them.
~ Elbert Hubbard ~
You decide how you feel about
others in the first few minutes of meeting them. What kind of labels do you assign them? Friend, foe, stupid, intelligent, kind, mean,
selfish, open, shy, funny…You will tend to put the descriptors on them with a tattoo
needle. After time you will look for behaviors
in them to defend your opinion about them for fear you may have been wrong. If
you decided early on that you do not have high esteem for someone then
everything they do will irk you. You will
make assumptions about their behavior that will validate the feelings that you
hold toward them. If you instantly
decide they are an enemy, then they will always be an enemy.
Leaders who are enlightened will
open up the possibility that they might not be one-hundred percent accurate in
their assessment of someone. Instead of
sizing someone up immediately, they will take the time to get to know
them. “What are their values?” “What motivates them?” What is it that they need to be successful?” As a leader, you too must not immediately judge
and hold so tightly to those attitudes.
Otherwise, you might create an undesired self-fulfilling prophecy. Sometimes it better to be wrong than
right. Those you have judged – revisit
your feelings about them. You might find
a new ally.
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
"I will give others a second chance."
Elbert Hubbard,
mindful leadership,
Monday, April 22, 2013
Don't Be a Hypocrite
Patience is something you admire in the driver behind you and scorn in the one ahead. ~Mac McCleary~
Are you full of contradictions? Do you get impatient and unforgiving for people who are late, yet you want patience and understanding for when you are late? Leaders need to be role models and must demonstrate the behaviors they want to see. Think about how you feel when you see a direct report yell at another co-worker or their own direct report. You would tell them that this kind of behavior is unacceptable. Yet, how many of you have lost your temper at your direct reports AND in front of others? Your followers watch you for the correct behavior. You loose credibility when you say one thing and then do another. Practice kindness and forgiveness when you expect others to do the same. Otherwise, you just seem like a hypocrite. Last time I checked, hypocrisy was not listed a desired trait of a leader.
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
I will be sincere in my actions and demonstrate the behaviors I want to see in others.
Are you full of contradictions? Do you get impatient and unforgiving for people who are late, yet you want patience and understanding for when you are late? Leaders need to be role models and must demonstrate the behaviors they want to see. Think about how you feel when you see a direct report yell at another co-worker or their own direct report. You would tell them that this kind of behavior is unacceptable. Yet, how many of you have lost your temper at your direct reports AND in front of others? Your followers watch you for the correct behavior. You loose credibility when you say one thing and then do another. Practice kindness and forgiveness when you expect others to do the same. Otherwise, you just seem like a hypocrite. Last time I checked, hypocrisy was not listed a desired trait of a leader.
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
I will be sincere in my actions and demonstrate the behaviors I want to see in others.
Friday, April 19, 2013
Leaders Don't Say Impossible
I have learned to use the word impossible with the greatest caution. ~Wernher von Braun~
How many times this week have you used the word impossible or some other worthy synonym? Do you fling it out there casually as a reason to not take action? When you do use that word do you challenge yourself? Not that you need to dwell on things that you might not be able to control but perhaps you are too quick to judge the situation. Successful leaders will commonly think"difficult" but rarely "impossible." As a leader, if you use the word impossible on something really important, you will be seen as someone with limited vision. You certainly won't find someone who wants to follow "it can't happen!" People want leaders who say, "Let's make it happen!"
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
"I will carefully assess whether it is truly impossible or just plain difficult and attainable."
How many times this week have you used the word impossible or some other worthy synonym? Do you fling it out there casually as a reason to not take action? When you do use that word do you challenge yourself? Not that you need to dwell on things that you might not be able to control but perhaps you are too quick to judge the situation. Successful leaders will commonly think"difficult" but rarely "impossible." As a leader, if you use the word impossible on something really important, you will be seen as someone with limited vision. You certainly won't find someone who wants to follow "it can't happen!" People want leaders who say, "Let's make it happen!"
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
"I will carefully assess whether it is truly impossible or just plain difficult and attainable."
Thursday, April 18, 2013
Embrace Your "To-Do" List
The man who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones. ~ Confucius ~
How many things have you been putting off? What kind of excuses are you using? "I'm too busy." "I'm to tired." "It's too hard." "I'm overwhelmed." "I don't like it." If you look at all the things you have to do as a negative then it will harder to get done. If you are overwhelmed break things down into smaller chunks. If you don't like a certain aspect, figure out a reward or do it first before doing the things you like. A wise man once said, "When you sit down to eat. Eat the food you detest first then you can enjoy the rest of your meal without having to agonize." If something is too hard. Get help. Leaders look at their to-do lists as necessary to success. Even those things that seem unrelated to your goal are important. They create learning opportunities. As a leader, your tasks and responsibilities are not obstacles but stones in the path of your journey. Some stones will be more appealing than others and some will be heavier but you will need to place them all.
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
"I will embrace, with contentment, all that I have to it is part of my journey."
How many things have you been putting off? What kind of excuses are you using? "I'm too busy." "I'm to tired." "It's too hard." "I'm overwhelmed." "I don't like it." If you look at all the things you have to do as a negative then it will harder to get done. If you are overwhelmed break things down into smaller chunks. If you don't like a certain aspect, figure out a reward or do it first before doing the things you like. A wise man once said, "When you sit down to eat. Eat the food you detest first then you can enjoy the rest of your meal without having to agonize." If something is too hard. Get help. Leaders look at their to-do lists as necessary to success. Even those things that seem unrelated to your goal are important. They create learning opportunities. As a leader, your tasks and responsibilities are not obstacles but stones in the path of your journey. Some stones will be more appealing than others and some will be heavier but you will need to place them all.
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
"I will embrace, with contentment, all that I have to it is part of my journey."
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
It's Simple - Have a Good Day
You're not going to make me have a bad day. If there's oxygen on earth and I'm breathing, it's going to be a good day. ~Cotton Fitzsimmons
What kind of drama and crisis' have been thrown at you today. How did you react? Did you let it stop you? Did you let it use up your energy and make you unable to think clearly? If you grumble and complain about the small stuff you'll have a real good chance that people will jump on board with you. What good comes of that? Misery loves company? Leaders do not bring other people down nor do they let others bring them down. It's never productive. As a leader, goal yourself to convert others negative energy into positive productive energy daily. You decide what kind of day you are going to have every day. Choose wisely.
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
"I’m choose to have a great day."
What kind of drama and crisis' have been thrown at you today. How did you react? Did you let it stop you? Did you let it use up your energy and make you unable to think clearly? If you grumble and complain about the small stuff you'll have a real good chance that people will jump on board with you. What good comes of that? Misery loves company? Leaders do not bring other people down nor do they let others bring them down. It's never productive. As a leader, goal yourself to convert others negative energy into positive productive energy daily. You decide what kind of day you are going to have every day. Choose wisely.
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
"I’m choose to have a great day."
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Be Willing to Let Go
We must be willing to get rid of the life we've planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us. ~Joseph Campbell~
When do your dreams become the obstacles to success? It's when you are unable to see a new path that might be better than the one you think you should be taking. If you are too ridge in your vision then you may come up with disappointment. Take the time today to be flexible in your ideas. Take in the clues around you. Are you missing something that is right in front of you? Are you too focused on the moment and task at hand that you cannot see down the road? Does it really have to be done that way? Great leaders have specific visions and ideas however, they know that there other influences - ones that they cannot see that can make the difference in success. It's good to take a take step back from action and control to see where life might take you.
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
"I will let go of rigidity to open myself up to new possibilities."
When do your dreams become the obstacles to success? It's when you are unable to see a new path that might be better than the one you think you should be taking. If you are too ridge in your vision then you may come up with disappointment. Take the time today to be flexible in your ideas. Take in the clues around you. Are you missing something that is right in front of you? Are you too focused on the moment and task at hand that you cannot see down the road? Does it really have to be done that way? Great leaders have specific visions and ideas however, they know that there other influences - ones that they cannot see that can make the difference in success. It's good to take a take step back from action and control to see where life might take you.
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
"I will let go of rigidity to open myself up to new possibilities."
Monday, April 15, 2013
Stay Calm in Fury
Whenever anyone has offended me, I try to raise my soul so high that the offense cannot reach it. ~René Descartes~
There are times when people will say the wrong thing. They may or may not mean what they say. People are poor communicators and they will make assumptions about things. They think they know what you are thinking and will decide what you are doing without asking questions to get clarity. Leaders will stay calm when when there is fury around them. As a leader, don't get pulled into the drama. Let others get worked up. You can't think clearly when you are crazed with anger. You should stay calm and focused on the goal. As a matter of fact, the more others get out of control, you should get in more control. As others shout, you should whisper. When others try to get down and dirty, you should fly so that you can see the whole picture with a clear head. When you have a clear head you are a better leader.
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
"I will stay focused and out of the drama that can derail me and my journey."
There are times when people will say the wrong thing. They may or may not mean what they say. People are poor communicators and they will make assumptions about things. They think they know what you are thinking and will decide what you are doing without asking questions to get clarity. Leaders will stay calm when when there is fury around them. As a leader, don't get pulled into the drama. Let others get worked up. You can't think clearly when you are crazed with anger. You should stay calm and focused on the goal. As a matter of fact, the more others get out of control, you should get in more control. As others shout, you should whisper. When others try to get down and dirty, you should fly so that you can see the whole picture with a clear head. When you have a clear head you are a better leader.
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
"I will stay focused and out of the drama that can derail me and my journey."
mindful leadership,
Rene Descartes,
Friday, April 12, 2013
Focus On What You Can Control
We cannot direct the wind but we can adjust the sails. ~Author Unknown~
Great leaders only do what they are capable of doing. There are many things in the world that you cannot control. Stop trying. You waste your talents and your energy. Focus only on what you can control in your life. First, begin with yourself. Review each goal and decide what you can do in instead, instead of waisting precious energy on what you can't do. Then take that step to do it.
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
"I will focus my efforts on the things I can control."
Great leaders only do what they are capable of doing. There are many things in the world that you cannot control. Stop trying. You waste your talents and your energy. Focus only on what you can control in your life. First, begin with yourself. Review each goal and decide what you can do in instead, instead of waisting precious energy on what you can't do. Then take that step to do it.
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
"I will focus my efforts on the things I can control."
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Goals Begin With Dreams
The best reason for having dreams is that in dreams, no reasons are necessary. ~ Ashleigh Brilliant ~
When you dream there are no obstacles. There is nothing you can't do when you dream and no limitations. Dreaming allows for those "what if" moments. Creativity and effortless problem solving happen when we transcend our minds to another place that is not our reality. As a leader you will not have a vision if you do not take the time to dream. How will you know where you want to go if you never take the time to imagine the greatness that lies within you? Goals begin with dreams. For there is nothing to attain if you do not take time to think it. Go ahead. Give yourself permission to dream and dream big.
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
"I will take the time to dream, let go of obstacles and set my sights on where I want to go."
When you dream there are no obstacles. There is nothing you can't do when you dream and no limitations. Dreaming allows for those "what if" moments. Creativity and effortless problem solving happen when we transcend our minds to another place that is not our reality. As a leader you will not have a vision if you do not take the time to dream. How will you know where you want to go if you never take the time to imagine the greatness that lies within you? Goals begin with dreams. For there is nothing to attain if you do not take time to think it. Go ahead. Give yourself permission to dream and dream big.
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
"I will take the time to dream, let go of obstacles and set my sights on where I want to go."
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Leaders: Close Filters, Open-Minds
Be open. And then the truth follows. ~ Gangaji ~
You use filters every time you read or listen to others speak. Those filters are created by your values, beliefs and attitudes. Often you will miss very important nuances and insight. It happens this way - you will read a word or hear a phrase, perhaps see an illustration and it will trigger your brains memory. It will cause a positive or negative reaction based upon your beliefs. At that point your brain begins to look for information that supports your values, beliefs and attitudes about a particular topic. If you feel the information is pleasurable then you will begin to look for ideas that support you, even if the information is not truthful. You buy into whatever they are selling only because of a trigger. You become too trusting.
Conversely, if you feel the information is acrimonious, then you will begin to miss the real and true meaning of the author/speaker. You will close your mind in disagreement without fully processing the information. You might even decide that you don't like the person and begin to judge them. As a leader, try to control your filters so that you don't risk missing critical information that others share and losing valuable diversity that people with other ideas can bring. You are not always right and you don't always have the truth.
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
"I will shut down filters and open my mind in pursuit of the truth."
You use filters every time you read or listen to others speak. Those filters are created by your values, beliefs and attitudes. Often you will miss very important nuances and insight. It happens this way - you will read a word or hear a phrase, perhaps see an illustration and it will trigger your brains memory. It will cause a positive or negative reaction based upon your beliefs. At that point your brain begins to look for information that supports your values, beliefs and attitudes about a particular topic. If you feel the information is pleasurable then you will begin to look for ideas that support you, even if the information is not truthful. You buy into whatever they are selling only because of a trigger. You become too trusting.
Conversely, if you feel the information is acrimonious, then you will begin to miss the real and true meaning of the author/speaker. You will close your mind in disagreement without fully processing the information. You might even decide that you don't like the person and begin to judge them. As a leader, try to control your filters so that you don't risk missing critical information that others share and losing valuable diversity that people with other ideas can bring. You are not always right and you don't always have the truth.
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
"I will shut down filters and open my mind in pursuit of the truth."
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
Cut Stress By Giving Laughter
Laughter is an instant vacation. ~ Milton Berle ~
Research is beginning to show that laughing is a full-cortex experience. This makes sense considering the positive physical and mental effects laughter can have on people. Laughing can be an instant stress reliever. If you are having a hard time getting motivated, moving on from a problem or concentrating on a challenge, stress could be one of the reasons since it takes up so much space in the "thinking" areas of the brain. As a leader, you need to be able to help others think better, so find a way to cut stress. You almost always add stress by the shear nature of being the leader. When you give the gift of laughter, you give others the chance to have a little break from stress.
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
"I will find time add laughter to the day."
Research is beginning to show that laughing is a full-cortex experience. This makes sense considering the positive physical and mental effects laughter can have on people. Laughing can be an instant stress reliever. If you are having a hard time getting motivated, moving on from a problem or concentrating on a challenge, stress could be one of the reasons since it takes up so much space in the "thinking" areas of the brain. As a leader, you need to be able to help others think better, so find a way to cut stress. You almost always add stress by the shear nature of being the leader. When you give the gift of laughter, you give others the chance to have a little break from stress.
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
"I will find time add laughter to the day."
Monday, April 8, 2013
Lead With Your True Self
He who trims himself to suit everyone will soon whittle himself away. ~Raymond Hull
While it is important to change and grow we must remain authentic to our true selves. Change on the advice and suggestions of others. At the same time, be careful of who's advice you take and why you are changing. You can not lead if you lose yourself in the process. Then, how would you manage your values? How would you teach what is right? How would you inspire if you never showed your true colors? You can't be all things to all people but you can always be you.
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
"I will lead with my true self."
While it is important to change and grow we must remain authentic to our true selves. Change on the advice and suggestions of others. At the same time, be careful of who's advice you take and why you are changing. You can not lead if you lose yourself in the process. Then, how would you manage your values? How would you teach what is right? How would you inspire if you never showed your true colors? You can't be all things to all people but you can always be you.
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
"I will lead with my true self."
Saturday, April 6, 2013
Act Instead of React
A leader or a man of action in a crisis almost always acts subconsciously and
then thinks of the reasons for his action. ~Jawaharlal Nehru
Friday, April 5, 2013
Apologize to Mend, Improve, Bond
An apology is the superglue of life. It can repair just about anything. ~Lynn Johnston
Even though you are a leader, you will not be perfect. You will say the wrong thing, make the wrong decision or make a careless mistake. Making mistakes followed by a sincere apology makes you stronger because it allows people to move on from the hurt and begin to start a discussion on improvement or repairing. Even if you don't think you did anything wrong but there is something amis start with an apology. The focus is then taken away from any pain onto "what happened and how does this not happen again?" When others see you, the leader, want to right wrongs they will feel a strong bond and willingness to follow.
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
"I will apologize with sincerity to mend, improve, and bond."
Even though you are a leader, you will not be perfect. You will say the wrong thing, make the wrong decision or make a careless mistake. Making mistakes followed by a sincere apology makes you stronger because it allows people to move on from the hurt and begin to start a discussion on improvement or repairing. Even if you don't think you did anything wrong but there is something amis start with an apology. The focus is then taken away from any pain onto "what happened and how does this not happen again?" When others see you, the leader, want to right wrongs they will feel a strong bond and willingness to follow.
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
"I will apologize with sincerity to mend, improve, and bond."
Thursday, April 4, 2013
Defend Against Complaining
Do not listen to those who weep and complain, for their disease is contagious. ~Og Mandino
The sure fire way to ruin a good mood is to listen to someone who is in a bad mood. It can take away your energy. It can put negativity into the fore front of your brain. The place where you need to think and innovate. As leaders, you can't avoid having to listen to complaints. They are a necessity for improvement. However, if you get involved emotionally then you can become trapped. Take the time to inoculate by preparing yourself mentaly. Surely empathise and then understand that when others grumble you are to coach them into flipping their complaints into a solution. This will help defend you from complainers putting you in that emotional trap.
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
The sure fire way to ruin a good mood is to listen to someone who is in a bad mood. It can take away your energy. It can put negativity into the fore front of your brain. The place where you need to think and innovate. As leaders, you can't avoid having to listen to complaints. They are a necessity for improvement. However, if you get involved emotionally then you can become trapped. Take the time to inoculate by preparing yourself mentaly. Surely empathise and then understand that when others grumble you are to coach them into flipping their complaints into a solution. This will help defend you from complainers putting you in that emotional trap.
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
"I will be emotional resilient to complaining
by coaching to solutions."
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Patience Will Make You Think Better
Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which
difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish. ~John Quincy Adams
Our brains do not work as well under severe pressure. When you are impatient you put yourself under that kind of pressure. You tend to want to quit when things do not happen quickly. The best creativity and innovation come to you. It is not forced. True leaders will find the patience and allow things to happen as they should happen. You will do your best thinking and problem solving by practicing patience and determination.
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
"I will continue on and be patient so,
that I can think clearly and problem solve."
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
Find Happiness Within Yourself
Don't let your happiness depend on something you may lose. ~ C.S. Lewis
Jobs may come and go. People will come into your life and may leave. Things can break, fall apart or become uninteresting. You, however, are with yourself forever. It's a common saying about leadership in that it is "lonely at the top." If you are at peace with yourself and you are happy with yourself, then you will never be lonely. Enjoying the company of others is not the same as needing others for fulfillment. Seek to be with others but do not depend on them for your own mental health. Be with yourself and find contentment with your life journey.
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
"I will find the happiness I need within myself."
Monday, April 1, 2013
Reduce Stress Through Humor
It is the ability to take a joke, not make one, that proves you have a sense of humor. ~Max Eastman
April Fools Day can be amazingly fun. Humor, laughter and smiling take the stress out of our lives. Sharing laughter makes you a stress reliever. Leadership should be about taking the unhealthy stress out of situations and making them more motivating. Happy Aprils Fools Day!
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
I will look for some humor in my life everyday and not always take myself so seriously."
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