In giving advice seek to help, not to please, your friend. ~ Solon ~
When you give advice and feedback, ensure that you are being honest and upfront. It's OK to tread lightly so you don't hurt esteem, however, watch out. When you soften your feedback or advice the seriousness could get lost. Your help as a leader should never be harmful but it is sometimes painful. However, you can be tough and caring at the same time. Just know that your help is caring and remember, the other person's perception of caring is all in the delivery and the support.
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
I give caring, honest and helpful feedback.
Scientific research supports the need for meditation to improve leadership abilities. Utilize this blog to help guide you in meditation for better self-awareness, stress relief, innovation and productivity. Be vocal and transparent in your practice and encourage those that you lead to follow your example. Do this - and you will transform your organization.
For best results:
Find a quite place and at least 5 to 15 minutes of time for reflection.
Monday, October 14, 2013
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
What do you attract?
Good fortune shies away from gloom. Keep your spirits up. Good things will come to you and you will come to good things. ~Terri Guillemets
You attract what you are. Negative begets negativity. Even if you are the most optimistic person there will be times when negativity will find a path into your soul. When those around you are infected it's hard to stay healthy. You have to find a way stay mindful and practice positivity even when you don't feel like it. When you are leading - be honest when times are tough and show your team how to turn around an attitude. Lift the fog for them with the truth and with the possibilities. Be a role model - if you hang your head then others will, too. If you lift your head to the sun, then others will, too.
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
I am positive, to attract good fortunes.
You attract what you are. Negative begets negativity. Even if you are the most optimistic person there will be times when negativity will find a path into your soul. When those around you are infected it's hard to stay healthy. You have to find a way stay mindful and practice positivity even when you don't feel like it. When you are leading - be honest when times are tough and show your team how to turn around an attitude. Lift the fog for them with the truth and with the possibilities. Be a role model - if you hang your head then others will, too. If you lift your head to the sun, then others will, too.
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
I am positive, to attract good fortunes.
Friday, September 13, 2013
Avoid the Flames
If you treat every situation as a life-and-death matter, you'll die a lot of times. ~ Dean Smith ~
As a leader you can't be a firefighter and treat everything like a fire that must be put out immediately. If you do this, then you'll never solve problems. When you are in firefighter mode, all you want is to do is douse the flames. When you run around and behave as if everything is an emergency then your team will do the same. Imagine the stress and wasted energy. Instead become the investigator that finds the root cause. Be strategic so that you solve problems to the point of no return. Prioritize! Choose what needs a quick fix that you can return to later. Take your time on the really important stuff. Otherwise...pardon the will burn out.
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
"I am calm and thoughtful in my planning and actions."
As a leader you can't be a firefighter and treat everything like a fire that must be put out immediately. If you do this, then you'll never solve problems. When you are in firefighter mode, all you want is to do is douse the flames. When you run around and behave as if everything is an emergency then your team will do the same. Imagine the stress and wasted energy. Instead become the investigator that finds the root cause. Be strategic so that you solve problems to the point of no return. Prioritize! Choose what needs a quick fix that you can return to later. Take your time on the really important stuff. Otherwise...pardon the will burn out.
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
"I am calm and thoughtful in my planning and actions."
burn out,
Dean Smith,
problem solving,
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Shut your mind up!
The word 'listen' contains the same letters as the word 'silent'. ~ Alfred Brendel ~
The best way to listen is to not only silence your mouth but silence your mind. You often let your own biases and agenda keep you from listening. How do you develop as a leader if you are never silent around your those that lead. Next time someone has something to say, shut down your feelings and open up. In addition, don't always contribute...ask questions instead. You can't truely listen if you are too busy prepping in your mind what you want to say.
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
"I quiet my own thoughts when someone is talking."
The best way to listen is to not only silence your mouth but silence your mind. You often let your own biases and agenda keep you from listening. How do you develop as a leader if you are never silent around your those that lead. Next time someone has something to say, shut down your feelings and open up. In addition, don't always contribute...ask questions instead. You can't truely listen if you are too busy prepping in your mind what you want to say.
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
"I quiet my own thoughts when someone is talking."
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
Strong Leaders Don't Make Weak Apologies
A stiff apology is a second insult.... The injured party does not want to be compensated because he has been wronged; he wants to be healed because he has been hurt. ~G.K. Chesterton~
None one is perfect. You will make mistakes. When it effects other people an apology is the first step to mending any wrong. You should heal the insult, even when you don't believe it was an insult. It's about the other person, not you. You must be authentic in caring about how you make others feel. Apologies are even important to people you don't know that well because it speaks to character. It is a way for people to not have the wrong impression about you. If you give in inauthentic apology then people will see a flawed leader. Give a sincere apology after a mistake then people will look past the flaw and see a noble leader.
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
"I am a stronger leader when I give sincere apologies."
None one is perfect. You will make mistakes. When it effects other people an apology is the first step to mending any wrong. You should heal the insult, even when you don't believe it was an insult. It's about the other person, not you. You must be authentic in caring about how you make others feel. Apologies are even important to people you don't know that well because it speaks to character. It is a way for people to not have the wrong impression about you. If you give in inauthentic apology then people will see a flawed leader. Give a sincere apology after a mistake then people will look past the flaw and see a noble leader.
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
"I am a stronger leader when I give sincere apologies."
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Do Something…Anything
Fake it till you become it. ~ Amy Cuddy ~
Some days you just don't feel it. Try. Try, anyway. Even if it's just a little effort, don't slack off. Be honest with yourself and then lie to yourself. Tell yourself that you are engaged - just do something because people are counting on you. You can have an off day - just don't show it to the world. Have a confidant because you might need someone to vent to but leave it at that and go change the world...even if you don't feel like it today.
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
"I make myself feel more engaged."
Some days you just don't feel it. Try. Try, anyway. Even if it's just a little effort, don't slack off. Be honest with yourself and then lie to yourself. Tell yourself that you are engaged - just do something because people are counting on you. You can have an off day - just don't show it to the world. Have a confidant because you might need someone to vent to but leave it at that and go change the world...even if you don't feel like it today.
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
"I make myself feel more engaged."
Monday, July 22, 2013
"Busy" Doesn't Always Cut It
Don't mistake activity with achievement. ~ John Wooden ~
Treading water is certainly a form of swimming but it'll never win you a gold medal in a relay race. You work hard. It's true. But just because you are busy at work, it doesn't mean you are accomplishing anything. First, are you working on the things that matter? Second, are you easily distracted when working on important tasks? Finally, is it more important to check off a to-do list or more important to have solved an critical problem?
Ask yourself at the end of each day. "What have I accomplished?" Don't think in terms of tasks completed but rather what propelled you forward in the achievement of goals. As a leader, never get fooled by your "busy" workers. Ask them the same question. "What did you accomplish today?" Then: "How did that help us move toward our desired results?"
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
"I'm busy on the tasks that will help me succeed."
Treading water is certainly a form of swimming but it'll never win you a gold medal in a relay race. You work hard. It's true. But just because you are busy at work, it doesn't mean you are accomplishing anything. First, are you working on the things that matter? Second, are you easily distracted when working on important tasks? Finally, is it more important to check off a to-do list or more important to have solved an critical problem?
Ask yourself at the end of each day. "What have I accomplished?" Don't think in terms of tasks completed but rather what propelled you forward in the achievement of goals. As a leader, never get fooled by your "busy" workers. Ask them the same question. "What did you accomplish today?" Then: "How did that help us move toward our desired results?"
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
"I'm busy on the tasks that will help me succeed."
Friday, July 19, 2013
Don’t Dwell Too Long
Consider how much more you often suffer from your anger and grief, than from those very things for which you are angry and grieved. ~ Marcus Antonius ~
Think about the last time you were really upset. How did it make you feel? How much energy did you use? Anger, frustration, and stress are normal emotions. It's OK to get mad. It's how you use your anger that will make the difference. Do you use it as an excuse to be a victim? Try instead to use is it as a motivator. Think about why you are angry and what you can do about it - not how you can control the other person but, what you can do about yourself. Great leaders will take the time to experience emotions and then they use it to learn. Try not to dwell and you'll be stronger.
I experience my anger and I then move on.
Think about the last time you were really upset. How did it make you feel? How much energy did you use? Anger, frustration, and stress are normal emotions. It's OK to get mad. It's how you use your anger that will make the difference. Do you use it as an excuse to be a victim? Try instead to use is it as a motivator. Think about why you are angry and what you can do about it - not how you can control the other person but, what you can do about yourself. Great leaders will take the time to experience emotions and then they use it to learn. Try not to dwell and you'll be stronger.
I experience my anger and I then move on.
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Play to Win
Where the loser saw barriers, the winner saw hurdles. ~ Robert Brault ~
How do see difficulties? Are they huge mountains that you can't see a way around? Do you use words like "impossible" or "never?" As a leader, take an assessment of your reactions the next time a challenge comes your way. Do you begin with the possibilities or the impossibilities? Do you shut down and assume that there is nothing that you can do? If you find yourself wondering what you can do as opposed to what you can't do - then you are a visionary. Leaders must strive to always see what they can do in any situation - and never give up on the dream. As a leader, help others to see what is possible.
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
"I see obstacles and I still move forward."
How do see difficulties? Are they huge mountains that you can't see a way around? Do you use words like "impossible" or "never?" As a leader, take an assessment of your reactions the next time a challenge comes your way. Do you begin with the possibilities or the impossibilities? Do you shut down and assume that there is nothing that you can do? If you find yourself wondering what you can do as opposed to what you can't do - then you are a visionary. Leaders must strive to always see what they can do in any situation - and never give up on the dream. As a leader, help others to see what is possible.
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
"I see obstacles and I still move forward."
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
No Excuses
One of the most important tasks of a manager is to eliminate his people's excuses for failure. ~ Robert Townsend ~
The difference between explanations and excuses is credibility. How do you gain credibility? By focusing on what you can do as opposed to what you can't do. Never point fingers. Loose the blame game. Take ownership. Always renegotiate. Find a new path. Ask questions. Trust. Try. Coach. Turn frustrations into motivation. Stay positive. Don't complain. Find humor. Make commitments instead of promises. Read the definition of credibility and live up to it, so you can teach others how to do the same.
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
I build credibility in myself and others.
The difference between explanations and excuses is credibility. How do you gain credibility? By focusing on what you can do as opposed to what you can't do. Never point fingers. Loose the blame game. Take ownership. Always renegotiate. Find a new path. Ask questions. Trust. Try. Coach. Turn frustrations into motivation. Stay positive. Don't complain. Find humor. Make commitments instead of promises. Read the definition of credibility and live up to it, so you can teach others how to do the same.
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
I build credibility in myself and others.
mindful leadership,
Robert Townsend,
role model,
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Love People Or Forget Leadership
I think everyone should go to college and get a degree and then spend six months as a bartender and six months as a cabdriver. Then they would really be educated. ~ Al McGuire ~
As a leader, it is necessary to be competent at your profession and you should understand your chosen industry. More important, however, is your knowledge of people. As you become a leader the most important skills are your inter-personal ones. No matter your profession, the minute you become a supervisor, people become your number one focus - not your craft. If you are uncomfortable with people then you will never be a good leader. Spend your time honing your people skills and less time improving your craft. You must love people in order to succeed - since supervising others is your number one function as a leader.
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
I love working with people.
As a leader, it is necessary to be competent at your profession and you should understand your chosen industry. More important, however, is your knowledge of people. As you become a leader the most important skills are your inter-personal ones. No matter your profession, the minute you become a supervisor, people become your number one focus - not your craft. If you are uncomfortable with people then you will never be a good leader. Spend your time honing your people skills and less time improving your craft. You must love people in order to succeed - since supervising others is your number one function as a leader.
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
I love working with people.
Friday, July 12, 2013
Put Yourself Out There
Boldness is a mask for fear, however great. ~ John Dryden ~
You might have heard the phase, "Never let them see you sweat." There is some value in that statement. It's not that you want to be false in your confidence. Instead think of it this way -- there is research that suggests you can become more powerful if you hold yourself in a powerful pose. So, perhaps if you make bold choices despite your fear, then perhaps you will help reduce that fear. Confidence comes from experience. Act as if the first time is really the second or third time. Great leaders are fearful, just like you. The only difference is that they aren't timid. They don't act scared. They act bold. Act as if you aren't scared. Act until you become bold - until you become confident. Put yourself out there - no one will find you until you do.
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
I am bold even when I am fearful.
You might have heard the phase, "Never let them see you sweat." There is some value in that statement. It's not that you want to be false in your confidence. Instead think of it this way -- there is research that suggests you can become more powerful if you hold yourself in a powerful pose. So, perhaps if you make bold choices despite your fear, then perhaps you will help reduce that fear. Confidence comes from experience. Act as if the first time is really the second or third time. Great leaders are fearful, just like you. The only difference is that they aren't timid. They don't act scared. They act bold. Act as if you aren't scared. Act until you become bold - until you become confident. Put yourself out there - no one will find you until you do.
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
I am bold even when I am fearful.
John Dryden,
mindful leadership,
Monday, July 1, 2013
Make Things Happen
“It had long since come to my attention that people of accomplishment rarely sat back and let things happen to them. They went out and happened to things.” ~ Leonardo da Vinci ~
If you think instant success is really instant you need to start interviewing people. Talk to those who have seemingly overnight success and ask them about their journey. You might hear about struggles and failures or they might tell you that it was easy when they were following the right path. The one thing in common is they will tell you that you have to do the work. No one will hand you everything you need to be successful. Some will have advantage but in the end it's the work that gets the accomplishment. Great leaders do something everyday to get to their success. Never mind about your starting point - Just Do It!
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
I work towards my success everyday.
If you think instant success is really instant you need to start interviewing people. Talk to those who have seemingly overnight success and ask them about their journey. You might hear about struggles and failures or they might tell you that it was easy when they were following the right path. The one thing in common is they will tell you that you have to do the work. No one will hand you everything you need to be successful. Some will have advantage but in the end it's the work that gets the accomplishment. Great leaders do something everyday to get to their success. Never mind about your starting point - Just Do It!
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
I work towards my success everyday.
Friday, June 21, 2013
Forget Perfection
Let's be honest. There's not a business anywhere that is without problems. Business is complicated and imperfect. Every business everywhere is staffed with imperfect human beings and exists by providing a product or service to other imperfect human beings. ~ Bob Parsons ~
Most of our bad behaviors and choices comes from attempting to attain perfection. The perfect product, the perfect customer, the perfect service, the perfect employee. Let it go. Mindful leaders know that it is more important to focus on the reasons we do what we do. Why did you make this career choice? Why did you go into this industry? What value do you bring to the world? To society? To your community? What is your purpose? If you lead with a good intent, you will automatically do your best. When you do your best, you let go of negative feelings and poor decisions. When you try your best, that is in of itself perfection.
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
I focus on always trying my best.
Most of our bad behaviors and choices comes from attempting to attain perfection. The perfect product, the perfect customer, the perfect service, the perfect employee. Let it go. Mindful leaders know that it is more important to focus on the reasons we do what we do. Why did you make this career choice? Why did you go into this industry? What value do you bring to the world? To society? To your community? What is your purpose? If you lead with a good intent, you will automatically do your best. When you do your best, you let go of negative feelings and poor decisions. When you try your best, that is in of itself perfection.
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
I focus on always trying my best.
Bob Parsons,
mindful leadership,
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Embrace Your Weaknesses
When there is no enemy within, the enemies outside cannot hurt you. ~ African Proverb ~
Loving yourself is this best defense. When people are hateful they will target your weaknesses. Protect your weaknesses by accepting them as part of you. As a very necessary part of you. Begin by taking away the hurt and pain of your weakness, then no one can attack them. No one can attack you. When you practice mindfulness then you understand that your weak parts give you the reason to explore and grow. You also, begin to understand that others weaknesses are important and attacking them only hurts their growth. You must forgive their weaknesses. The journey in life is to share and cultivate your strengths together and to make your weaknesses irrelevant. When you embrace weaknesses they become less controlling and you become more powerful.
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
I embrace my weaknesses and do the same for others.
Loving yourself is this best defense. When people are hateful they will target your weaknesses. Protect your weaknesses by accepting them as part of you. As a very necessary part of you. Begin by taking away the hurt and pain of your weakness, then no one can attack them. No one can attack you. When you practice mindfulness then you understand that your weak parts give you the reason to explore and grow. You also, begin to understand that others weaknesses are important and attacking them only hurts their growth. You must forgive their weaknesses. The journey in life is to share and cultivate your strengths together and to make your weaknesses irrelevant. When you embrace weaknesses they become less controlling and you become more powerful.
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
I embrace my weaknesses and do the same for others.
African proverb,
mindful leadership,
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Act Respectful
“I speak to everyone in the same way, whether he is the garbage man or the president of the university.” ~ Albert Einstein ~
The concept of respect can be difficult. What is respect? It seems to be different for everyone. What are the behaviors? Take the time to really think about it and make a list. Do you live up to those standards that you just listed or is this just what you expect of others? You want respect but do you give it equally? Rare is the person or organization that doesn't acknowledge respect as a value in some form or another. Yet, it still seems to be elusive. If everyone decided to begin to act respectful on an everyday basis to all people then that would be a simple way for everyone to receive respect.
You may think that some people don't deserve your respect. Perhaps, but it doesn't mean they can't be treated with respect. When you refuse to treat others respectfully you, in turn, become just like them and don't deserve respectful treatment yourself. Mindful leaders rise above poor behavior and do the right thing.
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
I act respectful to everyone.
The concept of respect can be difficult. What is respect? It seems to be different for everyone. What are the behaviors? Take the time to really think about it and make a list. Do you live up to those standards that you just listed or is this just what you expect of others? You want respect but do you give it equally? Rare is the person or organization that doesn't acknowledge respect as a value in some form or another. Yet, it still seems to be elusive. If everyone decided to begin to act respectful on an everyday basis to all people then that would be a simple way for everyone to receive respect.
You may think that some people don't deserve your respect. Perhaps, but it doesn't mean they can't be treated with respect. When you refuse to treat others respectfully you, in turn, become just like them and don't deserve respectful treatment yourself. Mindful leaders rise above poor behavior and do the right thing.
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
I act respectful to everyone.
Monday, June 17, 2013
Lose Worry; Be Inspirational
If you keep on saying things are going to be bad, you have a good chance of becoming a prophet. ~Isaac Bashevis Singer ~
is something that will wear others down. You will begin to make them take
on this unnecessary emotion and they will become unmotivated to try to attain
goals. Emotions will have a huge impact on whether you achieve and if
people don't think you will succeed then they won't even bother trying. When
you are a leader, it is up to you to allay fears. You are to be the calm
person of reason. You should be the visionary hopeful. Not in a naive
way, but instead, become more of someone who promotes things in a positive and
possible way. Practicing mindfulness will help you visualize achievement! People will want to follow you if they think you can attain
success. It is up to you to have the
vision and it’s up to you to inspire others to drive for the end results. It is then much easier to triumph.
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
inspire others to believe in success.”
Friday, June 14, 2013
Don't Label
"It is ridiculous for any man to criticize the works of another if he has not distinguished himself by his own performances." ~ Joseph Addison ~
When you judge others, it says more about you than it does the person you are judging. Do you rate people with an idealized scale of perfection that is not attainable? When was the last time you called someone an idiot for a "dumb move?" It is easier to give a global label to someone than it is to step back and weigh in on the error/mistake/faux pas. You are not an instrument of flawlessness and you are fallible just like everyone else in the world. You are also not necessarily stupid, incompetent or a jerk. When you practice mindfulness, you can begin to see mistakes as something you have or could have done yourself. You become more humble and thus, people are more apt to open up to you, admit thier faults and trust you as a leader - if they see you as a real person. This will clear the path to improvement - for both of you.
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
I will be more humble and accepting.
Thursday, June 13, 2013
Courage to Lead
Leaders are visionaries with a poorly developed sense of fear and
no concept of
the odds against them. ~Robert Jarvik
If you are only looking at the mud in which your foot is stuck, then you will not see the stick that will help you get out. If you foucus on fear and obstacles, then that is your whole world. You will be unable to see your success. Turn your mind to courage and abilities.
- Close your eyes
- Breathe
- Empty your mind
- As thoughts come in, acknowledge and wisk them away
- Focus on your breathing
- Think about the affirmation:
"I will be courageous and think beyond the obstacles."
Rethink Your Burdens
“It's not the load that breaks you down, it's the way you carry it.” ~ Lou Holtz ~
Have you ever seen those women who carry buckets of water on their heads? Despite the weight they seem to do it with ease. How? First, they accept that it is a burden they must carry in order to survive. Why the head? There are many theories but let's assume it's because that is the best way for them. Next, is training. No one picks up a bucket of water and walks for miles without some practice. Consider the life burdens that you carry with you every day. Would you like your burdens to be easier? Try using your head. They are a part of your life, so you are going to have to figure out a way to carry them in peace. Much like starting to carry water on the head, peace with your burdens will not happen overnight.
Begin with rethinking your burdens. Practice mindfulness to help in the process. How necessary is this burden? Is there a better way to deal with it? Relative to yourself and others, is this burden as heavy as you think it is? Can you drop it? If you can't remove it, right now, how can you make it easier? Perhaps it not even a burden but a blessing. Mindful leaders take the time to discard the useless burdens and embrace the real ones as part of life's journey.
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
I will remove unreal burdens and carry the important ones with ease.
Have you ever seen those women who carry buckets of water on their heads? Despite the weight they seem to do it with ease. How? First, they accept that it is a burden they must carry in order to survive. Why the head? There are many theories but let's assume it's because that is the best way for them. Next, is training. No one picks up a bucket of water and walks for miles without some practice. Consider the life burdens that you carry with you every day. Would you like your burdens to be easier? Try using your head. They are a part of your life, so you are going to have to figure out a way to carry them in peace. Much like starting to carry water on the head, peace with your burdens will not happen overnight.
Begin with rethinking your burdens. Practice mindfulness to help in the process. How necessary is this burden? Is there a better way to deal with it? Relative to yourself and others, is this burden as heavy as you think it is? Can you drop it? If you can't remove it, right now, how can you make it easier? Perhaps it not even a burden but a blessing. Mindful leaders take the time to discard the useless burdens and embrace the real ones as part of life's journey.
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
I will remove unreal burdens and carry the important ones with ease.
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Learn to Like People
“Nobody will listen to you unless they sense that you like them.” ~ Donald Miller, Blue Like Jazz ~
Leading is a people job. If you want people to listen to you, learn to like people. True, you won't like everyone in this world but try to remember that everyone has value. Those that you lead - especially. They know if you don't like them and there is not a chance that they will ever buy in to you, much less listen to you, unless you can get to a place in which you like them. Study them. List out the reasons you don't like them and figure out how those things can actually be a strength to your team, division, or organization. Those things that annoy you just might actually be the difference a postive way. True leaders see the beauty even in the flawed.
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
I will find value in all people.
Leading is a people job. If you want people to listen to you, learn to like people. True, you won't like everyone in this world but try to remember that everyone has value. Those that you lead - especially. They know if you don't like them and there is not a chance that they will ever buy in to you, much less listen to you, unless you can get to a place in which you like them. Study them. List out the reasons you don't like them and figure out how those things can actually be a strength to your team, division, or organization. Those things that annoy you just might actually be the difference a postive way. True leaders see the beauty even in the flawed.
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
I will find value in all people.
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Money is Not Holding You Back
"I don't dream at night, I dream all day; I dream for a living." ~ Steven Spielberg ~
Dreaming is the easy part. It's the belief that you can't make your dreams happen that is the hard obstacle to overcome. You may claim that you don't dream and that you stay grounded in reality. But everyone plays the game, "What would you do if you won the mega lotto?!" Try it now. If you aren't already living the life you think you want to live - then what is holding you back? Money? Really? Most likely it's your belief systems. Let go of external attribution and review your own self-defeating thoughts. Your own mind holds you back. Start with the belief that you can achieve. Dream and then decide that there are no other options but to attain.
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
I believe that I can achieve my dreams.
Dreaming is the easy part. It's the belief that you can't make your dreams happen that is the hard obstacle to overcome. You may claim that you don't dream and that you stay grounded in reality. But everyone plays the game, "What would you do if you won the mega lotto?!" Try it now. If you aren't already living the life you think you want to live - then what is holding you back? Money? Really? Most likely it's your belief systems. Let go of external attribution and review your own self-defeating thoughts. Your own mind holds you back. Start with the belief that you can achieve. Dream and then decide that there are no other options but to attain.
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
I believe that I can achieve my dreams.
Friday, June 7, 2013
Take a Chance
Thrivers constantly re-invent themselves, they are mentally agile and willing to risk. ~ David McNally ~
You are just going to have to put yourself out there. Turtles don't get anywhere until they stick their heads and legs out of their shell. Get moving, get to it, get out there! You will not truly grow until you have taken a chance on yourself and your ideas. Never fear that an idea doesn't work, as you can always find another one. All great leaders have taken a risk on more than one occasion! They adjust and try again. It starts with being mindful and having confidence in you own abilities. If you don't get out there and try, then the world will never benefit from your gifts. Be willing to risk.
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
I will take chance in order to thrive.
You are just going to have to put yourself out there. Turtles don't get anywhere until they stick their heads and legs out of their shell. Get moving, get to it, get out there! You will not truly grow until you have taken a chance on yourself and your ideas. Never fear that an idea doesn't work, as you can always find another one. All great leaders have taken a risk on more than one occasion! They adjust and try again. It starts with being mindful and having confidence in you own abilities. If you don't get out there and try, then the world will never benefit from your gifts. Be willing to risk.
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
I will take chance in order to thrive.
Thursday, June 6, 2013
Be A Student
“When you listen, it's amazing what you can learn. When you act on what you've learned, it's amazing what you can change." ~ Audrey McLaughlin ~
No matter your education and no matter your experience, you should always be open to learning. As much as you know, you can always know more - because, quite simply, you don't know everything. And that's OK. More than OK. It's awesome. How do you learn? By listening to everyone you meet. Being humble and aware that you can learn at anytime from anyone - will help you be good to yourself and to others. Imagine this world if everyone took the student view point. A great leader is only adviser when they are also learners. Be a student so that you can create, improve and help achieve great things.
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
I listen so that I can be a student.
No matter your education and no matter your experience, you should always be open to learning. As much as you know, you can always know more - because, quite simply, you don't know everything. And that's OK. More than OK. It's awesome. How do you learn? By listening to everyone you meet. Being humble and aware that you can learn at anytime from anyone - will help you be good to yourself and to others. Imagine this world if everyone took the student view point. A great leader is only adviser when they are also learners. Be a student so that you can create, improve and help achieve great things.
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
I listen so that I can be a student.
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
"2nd on the Scene" Can Still Bring Success
The future is something which everyone reaches at the rate of sixty minutes an hour, whatever he does, whoever he is. ~C.S. Lewis ~
Time will not stand still while you watch others pursuing your dream. You do not have to be first to be relevant or important. Sometimes the first person on the scene is the first person who leaves. You have gifts to give and as long as you move forward, it doesn't matter that someone else did it first. What is important is that you move forward with your purpose. You are unique and will bring a new perspective or new innovation to that which you pursue. Great leaders look for solutions that are already out there and need cultivating. There are no single ideas, yet at the same time, there are twists to all great inventions. What is your unique perspective? Now move forward with passion and change the world.
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
I will pursue my unique dream.
Time will not stand still while you watch others pursuing your dream. You do not have to be first to be relevant or important. Sometimes the first person on the scene is the first person who leaves. You have gifts to give and as long as you move forward, it doesn't matter that someone else did it first. What is important is that you move forward with your purpose. You are unique and will bring a new perspective or new innovation to that which you pursue. Great leaders look for solutions that are already out there and need cultivating. There are no single ideas, yet at the same time, there are twists to all great inventions. What is your unique perspective? Now move forward with passion and change the world.
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
I will pursue my unique dream.
C.S. Lewis,
get started,
mindful leadership,
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Give the Gift of Listening
The most precious gift we can offer anyone is our attention. ~Thich Nhat Hanh ~
Listen to encourage others. One of the most common reasons people leave organizations is because they feel they don't matter and their opinions aren't heard - they just don't feel as if leaders listen to what they have to say. Being a good listener is the most important trait of a great leader and listening it one of the most important skills as a leader. Putting it into practice is essential and difficult.
When you are under stress, you feel the need to control. When you are listening you are not in the drivers seat, rather the person talking is controlling the conversation. It can prove difficult to relinquish that control. A mindful leader turns listening into a de-stresser by opening the mind to possibilities. The possibility that the person talking could make your life easier with their solutions. Don't give a reason for talented people to quit you or your organization. Be a better listener.
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
I will offer the gift of consideration and better listening.
Listen to encourage others. One of the most common reasons people leave organizations is because they feel they don't matter and their opinions aren't heard - they just don't feel as if leaders listen to what they have to say. Being a good listener is the most important trait of a great leader and listening it one of the most important skills as a leader. Putting it into practice is essential and difficult.
When you are under stress, you feel the need to control. When you are listening you are not in the drivers seat, rather the person talking is controlling the conversation. It can prove difficult to relinquish that control. A mindful leader turns listening into a de-stresser by opening the mind to possibilities. The possibility that the person talking could make your life easier with their solutions. Don't give a reason for talented people to quit you or your organization. Be a better listener.
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
I will offer the gift of consideration and better listening.
Monday, June 3, 2013
Behave Like a Leader
“Do you want to know who you are? Don't ask. Act! Action will delineate and define you." ~ Thomas Jefferson ~
You may say all the right things but it's your actions that determine what people really think of you. If the words you say and the actions you take don't match, action will when out every time. People see actions as more honest than words and as a better representation of their values and beliefs. It takes more effort to do the right thing than to say the right thing. Words will ring hollow and untrue unless there is something to back up what you say.
Think about the behaviors of great leaders that have the same values as yourself - not their characteristics, but what actions do they take? Confirm that their actions and words match, plus support the values they say they possess. Once you find one or two, study them. Emulate them. If you want to be known as a great leader then behave like a great leader.
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
I will behave like a great leader.
You may say all the right things but it's your actions that determine what people really think of you. If the words you say and the actions you take don't match, action will when out every time. People see actions as more honest than words and as a better representation of their values and beliefs. It takes more effort to do the right thing than to say the right thing. Words will ring hollow and untrue unless there is something to back up what you say.
Think about the behaviors of great leaders that have the same values as yourself - not their characteristics, but what actions do they take? Confirm that their actions and words match, plus support the values they say they possess. Once you find one or two, study them. Emulate them. If you want to be known as a great leader then behave like a great leader.
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
I will behave like a great leader.
Friday, May 31, 2013
Use Play-Time as a Reward
“You can't build a reputation on what you are going to do.” ~ Henry Ford ~
Some days it's just hard to get going. During the lazy days of summer you just want to be outside relaxing by a pool, lake or ocean. Stop day dreaming! Taking time for yourself is important so make sure you do it - just don't overindulge! Find a good rhythm for work and play. Use play as your reward for getting things done that will build your dreams. Lower your stress by just getting to it. Great leaders will use play to balance out work but never in place of work. Think about how great you will feel and how much more relaxed you will be if you just get a few things done before you spend time with family or friends.
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
I will use play as a reward for smart work.
Some days it's just hard to get going. During the lazy days of summer you just want to be outside relaxing by a pool, lake or ocean. Stop day dreaming! Taking time for yourself is important so make sure you do it - just don't overindulge! Find a good rhythm for work and play. Use play as your reward for getting things done that will build your dreams. Lower your stress by just getting to it. Great leaders will use play to balance out work but never in place of work. Think about how great you will feel and how much more relaxed you will be if you just get a few things done before you spend time with family or friends.
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
I will use play as a reward for smart work.
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Scary Moments
A good scare is worth more to a man than good advice. ~ Edgar Watson Howe, Country Town Sayings, 1911 ~
"Next time, I will_______!" You can fill in the blank. Experience really makes you who you are as a person, as a leader. Even when you account for risk, something always happens for which you didn't plan. Those heart racing moments teach you and embed the lessons you need to remember. These events are important. They give you the chance to grow. As a leader, you can dispense advice and be a great mentor but those that follow you will only grow when they are thrown into the deep end. Don't coddle those around you. Challenge them to learn the hard way. Not the mean way but the way that shows you care about them as people. When things get hairy - ask them questions that really make them think about what they would do differently. That is coaching, that is teaching...that is leadership.
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
I will help others learn from the scary moments.
"Next time, I will_______!" You can fill in the blank. Experience really makes you who you are as a person, as a leader. Even when you account for risk, something always happens for which you didn't plan. Those heart racing moments teach you and embed the lessons you need to remember. These events are important. They give you the chance to grow. As a leader, you can dispense advice and be a great mentor but those that follow you will only grow when they are thrown into the deep end. Don't coddle those around you. Challenge them to learn the hard way. Not the mean way but the way that shows you care about them as people. When things get hairy - ask them questions that really make them think about what they would do differently. That is coaching, that is teaching...that is leadership.
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
I will help others learn from the scary moments.
Edgar Watson Howe,
mindful leadership,
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Sculpt Your Life
Could we change our attitude, we should not only see life differently, but life itself would come to be different. ~ Katherine Mansfield ~
How many times do you think or say: "If only _____, then I could ______?" What if your attitude was the only thing holding you back? You create your world with your thoughts. If you choose to think about the hardships and struggles then that is all your life will be about. It is much harder to roll a stone up a hill if you think you can't do it. Believe in yourself and things will happen for you. Try to improve your attitude about your life, about others and about the world. You will operate differently if you bring positivity and acceptance into your purview.
Remember positive doesn't necessarily equal naive or unrealistic and being realistic doesn't mean negative attitude. As a matter of fact, you will be more grounded with a better attitude. Leaders with a positive attitude are more in control of their emotions and better able to think and see things for what they are. You are the sculptor of your life - create something worthy by having a better attitude.
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
I will sculpt a better life with a better attitude.
How many times do you think or say: "If only _____, then I could ______?" What if your attitude was the only thing holding you back? You create your world with your thoughts. If you choose to think about the hardships and struggles then that is all your life will be about. It is much harder to roll a stone up a hill if you think you can't do it. Believe in yourself and things will happen for you. Try to improve your attitude about your life, about others and about the world. You will operate differently if you bring positivity and acceptance into your purview.
Remember positive doesn't necessarily equal naive or unrealistic and being realistic doesn't mean negative attitude. As a matter of fact, you will be more grounded with a better attitude. Leaders with a positive attitude are more in control of their emotions and better able to think and see things for what they are. You are the sculptor of your life - create something worthy by having a better attitude.
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
I will sculpt a better life with a better attitude.
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Let Go of Being Right
Human beings are perhaps never more frightening than when they are convinced beyond doubt that they are right. ~ Laurens van der Post ~
Have you ever ruined a conversation, a meeting, a party or worse, a relationship because it was so important to be right? So many arguments over things that really didn't matter! Reflect back and remember the times when you could've have just let it go. There are cases when being right is the difference between life and death - literally. But, how often does that really happen? Also, consider how frequent your arguments are about opinions and not even facts! Mindful leaders can determine when they are arguing opinion and when they are arguing fact, which one is life or death and then choosing wisely which argument to pursue or not pursue. Take the time to determine which is more important - relationship building or being right. There are times to be right but most often it is more important to keep the relationship right.
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
I will carefully pick my battles.
Have you ever ruined a conversation, a meeting, a party or worse, a relationship because it was so important to be right? So many arguments over things that really didn't matter! Reflect back and remember the times when you could've have just let it go. There are cases when being right is the difference between life and death - literally. But, how often does that really happen? Also, consider how frequent your arguments are about opinions and not even facts! Mindful leaders can determine when they are arguing opinion and when they are arguing fact, which one is life or death and then choosing wisely which argument to pursue or not pursue. Take the time to determine which is more important - relationship building or being right. There are times to be right but most often it is more important to keep the relationship right.
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
I will carefully pick my battles.
Friday, May 24, 2013
Limitations Spur Creativity
“Never limit yourself to what you can't do, but to what you have the power to do with what you have.” ~ Nadège Richards ~
How often do you use external limitations as a excuse? You say or think things like: "There's not enough resources." "There's no money." "I need more people to get this done." Change your focus in your mind and think of what you can do instead. The biggest limitations are what you create in your head. Leaders achieve when they have the will to do so. Don't you admire those that achieve despite the odds? If things come easy there is no growth. Embrace limitations as a catalyst to creativity and innovation.
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
I will use limitations to spur my creativity.
How often do you use external limitations as a excuse? You say or think things like: "There's not enough resources." "There's no money." "I need more people to get this done." Change your focus in your mind and think of what you can do instead. The biggest limitations are what you create in your head. Leaders achieve when they have the will to do so. Don't you admire those that achieve despite the odds? If things come easy there is no growth. Embrace limitations as a catalyst to creativity and innovation.
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
I will use limitations to spur my creativity.
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Take Care of Your Brain
“The energy of the mind is the essence of life." ~ Aristotle, The Philosophy of Aristotle ~
Consider physical exhaustion. What does it do to you? Do you become slower? Is it harder to breathe? Do you become clumsy? Did you have accidents? Consider, now, mental exhaustion. What does it do to you? Do you become mentally slower? Is it hard to concentrate? Do you become forgetful? Do you make mistakes? Physical and mental energy are often connected but sometimes they are not. When you are physically exhausted and it effects your mental state, quite simply, get some sleep and you can think again. But, what if you are not physically tired but mentally tired? Sleep is not the answer. Instead, take a mental break. What do you do to energize your brain? Exercise, play with a pet, get something eat, play a game or better yet meditate? Because, what will you achieve with a tired mind? Effective leaders will take mental breaks to energize their thinking and create insight.
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
I will find the time to take mental breaks to energize my mind.
Consider physical exhaustion. What does it do to you? Do you become slower? Is it harder to breathe? Do you become clumsy? Did you have accidents? Consider, now, mental exhaustion. What does it do to you? Do you become mentally slower? Is it hard to concentrate? Do you become forgetful? Do you make mistakes? Physical and mental energy are often connected but sometimes they are not. When you are physically exhausted and it effects your mental state, quite simply, get some sleep and you can think again. But, what if you are not physically tired but mentally tired? Sleep is not the answer. Instead, take a mental break. What do you do to energize your brain? Exercise, play with a pet, get something eat, play a game or better yet meditate? Because, what will you achieve with a tired mind? Effective leaders will take mental breaks to energize their thinking and create insight.
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
I will find the time to take mental breaks to energize my mind.
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Trust in Trusting
“The best way to find out if you can trust somebody is to trust them.”
~ Ernest Hemingway ~
Just because someone is secretive or private, it doesn't mean you can't trust them and just because someone is willing to share, doesn't mean that they will share everything. Regardless, you have to begin somewhere to find out. You just have to be willing. Some of you trust quickly and some of you trust slowly. Whether quickly or slowly, you will have to trust at some point because the only way to discover is to begin to trust. Both speeds of trust are valid but not for every situation. Choose according to your goals. Sometimes slow is good and sometime fast is better. Better awareness will help you choose. Mindful leaders have the confidence to trust and will pick the right speed for the right circumstances.
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
I will trust others at the right speed.
~ Ernest Hemingway ~
Just because someone is secretive or private, it doesn't mean you can't trust them and just because someone is willing to share, doesn't mean that they will share everything. Regardless, you have to begin somewhere to find out. You just have to be willing. Some of you trust quickly and some of you trust slowly. Whether quickly or slowly, you will have to trust at some point because the only way to discover is to begin to trust. Both speeds of trust are valid but not for every situation. Choose according to your goals. Sometimes slow is good and sometime fast is better. Better awareness will help you choose. Mindful leaders have the confidence to trust and will pick the right speed for the right circumstances.
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
I will trust others at the right speed.
Monday, May 20, 2013
Be A Passion Creator
"A strong passion with moderate talent will take you further than extreme talent with no passion." ~ Sir Ken Robinson, Keynote ASTD 2013 ~
Quite simply, you must follow your passion to achieve true success. As a leader, it is critical for your organization's success that you create an atmosphere of passion. Surround yourself with people who are passionate. Create an avenue that helps others discover their passion and purpose. Great energy is gained from the thrill of doing what you are supposed to be doing. When you multiply the numbers of passionate people great things will happen.
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
I will help others follow their passion.
Sir Ken Robinson
Key Note Speaker
ASTD ICE 2013 - Dallas, TX
Quite simply, you must follow your passion to achieve true success. As a leader, it is critical for your organization's success that you create an atmosphere of passion. Surround yourself with people who are passionate. Create an avenue that helps others discover their passion and purpose. Great energy is gained from the thrill of doing what you are supposed to be doing. When you multiply the numbers of passionate people great things will happen.
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
I will help others follow their passion.
Sir Ken Robinson
Key Note Speaker
ASTD ICE 2013 - Dallas, TX
Friday, May 17, 2013
Leaders Don't Procrastinate
If you want to make an easy job seem mighty hard, just keep putting off doing it. ~ Olin Miller
Don’t you find it hard, some days, to just get motivated? The more you think about what you need to do, the more mountainous it seems? It is easy to put off those things that you don't feel like doing - however, they will start to fester and grow teeth. Next thing you know, they're biting you in the rear! You put it off thinking it will be easy and then every time you think about groan. Suddenly, your energy is drained. You may think you are prioritizing but guess what? You are not. Prioritizing is putting important things first, procrastinating is putting off important things. Leaders don't procrastinate. They get the important things done before they become problems.
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
I will get important things done first.
Don’t you find it hard, some days, to just get motivated? The more you think about what you need to do, the more mountainous it seems? It is easy to put off those things that you don't feel like doing - however, they will start to fester and grow teeth. Next thing you know, they're biting you in the rear! You put it off thinking it will be easy and then every time you think about groan. Suddenly, your energy is drained. You may think you are prioritizing but guess what? You are not. Prioritizing is putting important things first, procrastinating is putting off important things. Leaders don't procrastinate. They get the important things done before they become problems.
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
I will get important things done first.
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Strength Through Authenticity
We are so accustomed to disguise ourselves to others that in the end we become disguised to ourselves. ~François Duc de La Rochefoucauld ~
How hard are you trying to be someone you are not? Perhaps you admire someone's strengths and so you attempt to be more like them. Maybe you aren't happy with who you are and try to hide who you are from others. Conceivably, there is also the idea that you don't know who you are, so you mimic those around to fit into a certain crowd. True leaders take the time to understand who they are and they don't hide it from anyone. Being mindful and meditating can help you gain more understanding of yourself. As a leader, your real strengths can only manifest themselves if you stay true to your authentic self.
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
I will be authentic to myself and others.
How hard are you trying to be someone you are not? Perhaps you admire someone's strengths and so you attempt to be more like them. Maybe you aren't happy with who you are and try to hide who you are from others. Conceivably, there is also the idea that you don't know who you are, so you mimic those around to fit into a certain crowd. True leaders take the time to understand who they are and they don't hide it from anyone. Being mindful and meditating can help you gain more understanding of yourself. As a leader, your real strengths can only manifest themselves if you stay true to your authentic self.
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
I will be authentic to myself and others.
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Be Realistic About Change
Those who expect moments of change to be comfortable and free of conflict have not learned their history. ~ Joan Wallach Scott ~
Do not assume that everyone will be thrilled with your desire for change. Change is difficult by nature. As a leader, if you only speak about the great things that will come about with change you will be seen as unrealistic and out of touch. However, if you lament that change is bad or hard then your followers will most likely mimic you. You need not use negative language regarding change or it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. There are pros and cons to change and it's important to address both. However, know that your followers will be automatically stressed with change, so don't dwell on the negative and don't gloss the positive. It's all about balance. Teach them about mindfulness and they will adapt easier. They will also be grateful for the tool.
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
I will be realistic about change.
Do not assume that everyone will be thrilled with your desire for change. Change is difficult by nature. As a leader, if you only speak about the great things that will come about with change you will be seen as unrealistic and out of touch. However, if you lament that change is bad or hard then your followers will most likely mimic you. You need not use negative language regarding change or it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. There are pros and cons to change and it's important to address both. However, know that your followers will be automatically stressed with change, so don't dwell on the negative and don't gloss the positive. It's all about balance. Teach them about mindfulness and they will adapt easier. They will also be grateful for the tool.
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
I will be realistic about change.
Monday, May 13, 2013
Keep Moving
“Be not afraid of growing slowly. Be only afraid of standing still.” ~ Chinese Proverb ~
Patience for what we truly desire is one of the greatest tests. Things just don't always happen overnight, however, as long as you are moving in the right direction things will happen for you. Take steps daily to achieve. It is when you stop that you run the risk of never attaining or worse retreating. It is true that from time to time you need to take a break and assess your journey - but that is not the same as standing still. You are still moving toward success, just more slowly.
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
I will move mentally and physically toward my goals.
Patience for what we truly desire is one of the greatest tests. Things just don't always happen overnight, however, as long as you are moving in the right direction things will happen for you. Take steps daily to achieve. It is when you stop that you run the risk of never attaining or worse retreating. It is true that from time to time you need to take a break and assess your journey - but that is not the same as standing still. You are still moving toward success, just more slowly.
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
I will move mentally and physically toward my goals.
Friday, May 10, 2013
Strengthen With Simplicity
“Simple can be harder than complex: You have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple. But it’s worth it in the end because once you get there, you can move mountains.”
― Steve Jobs
It's easy for you to ramble on, making things more complicated than they need to be for others to understand. Many things, especially communication, are stronger and more powerful when they are concise.
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
I will strengthen with simplicity.
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Question Your Beliefs
This is how humans are: we question all our beliefs, except for the ones we really believe, and those we never think to question. ~ Orson Scott Card ~
To succeed you must question the validity of your beliefs. Holding steadfast to some of your beliefs will keep you from moving forward. Always be on the watch for shifts in paradigms. What you are working on today, what you are thinking about today will be different in the future. As a leader you must always be willing to change your mind and grow. Otherwise, whatever organization you run, whatever team you lead will stagnate or
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
"I will learn to question my beliefs to order to grow."
To succeed you must question the validity of your beliefs. Holding steadfast to some of your beliefs will keep you from moving forward. Always be on the watch for shifts in paradigms. What you are working on today, what you are thinking about today will be different in the future. As a leader you must always be willing to change your mind and grow. Otherwise, whatever organization you run, whatever team you lead will stagnate or
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
"I will learn to question my beliefs to order to grow."
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
Urgent Is Not Always Important
What may be done at any time will be done at no time. ~Scottish Proverb
Do you find yourself distracted easily? Do shiny new objects pull you away from once exciting projects that have now become a little dull with time? How often do you say yes to someone or something new when you haven't finished what you are currently doing? You have good intentions as your move about the day but then other things and people will make demands of you. As a leader you must be able to decipher between urgent and important. Many things are important but not urgent. Some people will approach you with seemingly urgent that is not necessarily important. Learn to say, "no, thank you" or "wait...please." Influencers will try to sway you. Listen to their subtle or not so subtle methods of persuasion. A mindful leader will be astute and focused - staying on course for the important.
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
I will devote the majority of my attention to the important.
Do you find yourself distracted easily? Do shiny new objects pull you away from once exciting projects that have now become a little dull with time? How often do you say yes to someone or something new when you haven't finished what you are currently doing? You have good intentions as your move about the day but then other things and people will make demands of you. As a leader you must be able to decipher between urgent and important. Many things are important but not urgent. Some people will approach you with seemingly urgent that is not necessarily important. Learn to say, "no, thank you" or "wait...please." Influencers will try to sway you. Listen to their subtle or not so subtle methods of persuasion. A mindful leader will be astute and focused - staying on course for the important.
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
I will devote the majority of my attention to the important.
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Dream in Reality
Faith is a fine invention
When gentlemen can see,
But microscopes are prudent
In an emergency.
~Emily Dickinson~
When you have your head in the clouds, it makes your view a bit foggy. Having faith and belief in yourself is extremely important but don't forget to do a reality check. Dreams with no action is a fool's game. Blindly going along with no focus on a real vision can lead to disappointment or miscues. You must be careful to not think that desire will be the only key to success. Opportunities may pass you by as you sit, waiting for your dreams to manifest themselves. Great leaders will have vision and will make things fly but only while they also have their feet firmly on the ground - searching for the real steps to move them forward.
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
I will dream and I will keep myself grounded in reality.
When gentlemen can see,
But microscopes are prudent
In an emergency.
~Emily Dickinson~
When you have your head in the clouds, it makes your view a bit foggy. Having faith and belief in yourself is extremely important but don't forget to do a reality check. Dreams with no action is a fool's game. Blindly going along with no focus on a real vision can lead to disappointment or miscues. You must be careful to not think that desire will be the only key to success. Opportunities may pass you by as you sit, waiting for your dreams to manifest themselves. Great leaders will have vision and will make things fly but only while they also have their feet firmly on the ground - searching for the real steps to move them forward.
1. Close your eyes
2. Breathe
3. Empty your mind
4. As thoughts come in, acknowledge and whisk them away
5. Focus on your breathing
6. Think about the affirmation:
I will dream and I will keep myself grounded in reality.
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